Welcome to the Event Committees new contest inspired by
this years 2012 Olympics hosted in London!
What is the purpose of this contest?
Those who compete are to illustrate the event in which they would like
to enter!
Ex: If I want to compete in the basketball event, then I would draw my
character doing something basketball related.
How many sports events can I enter?
You may enter more than one sports event.
How will our entries be judged?
Winners will be chosen by their creativity.
What forms of art are allowed?
- Digital
- Traditional
- Animation
- Photomanipulation
See something else you'd like to do? Suggest it to us!
Are there any rules?
- Entries must be your own form of art.
- Photomanipulation entries must use proper stocks.
- Colorings, traced art, art not made by you in general is not allowed.
- No scribbles, doodles, unfinished art, etc.
- Can include friends' characters.
- Have fun and be creative!
That all sounds great, but what do I get if I win?
- A medal, of course!
- A possible forum title & feature on the homepage
- Deltas
Fencing | Participants: Harlequin, Purfy
Football | Participants:
Hockey | Participants: Mocco, Shanzi, Tate, KeyKey
Gymnastics | Participants: Harlequin, Fayleh
Swimming | Participants: JuiceBox
Softball | Participants: Starlight, Oncyte, Kurani, JuiceBox
Tennis | Participants:
Table Tennis | Participants: Starlight
Volleyball | Participants: Patience, Purfy
Weightlifting | Participants: America
JUNE 25TH 11pm (EST)
Who - Administrative Changes
List of promotions
and retires since the last newsletter.
Azriel - 5/30
Avani - 5/30
No new promotions
Retired: Fancy
Wolfhome Administrative Team:
Azriel, BulletGutz/Colossith, Cheshiresmile, Firekeeper,
Razorback (partner), RiceNoodle, Selendris, Underdog (chat owner)
Betas: Astra, Avani, Bunny,
Casanova, Darknation, Freewolf, Leski, Mohegan, Rapture, RedFoxx,
Sandhya/Sirocca, ScatteredFL, Siren, Suspria, Takatia, Timberwolf,
Versailles, Wendigowolf
Gammas: BugFinder, Cyclops, Decoy,
Devaska, Ham/Binky, Juke, Kiche, Lock, NightSpiritWing, Orez, Pixie,
Romeo, Saebre, Sessgo, Shivra, Silence, Sitara (Korra on forums),
Sola/Slver, Tear, Vladimir
Admin Assistants: Kina
Art Review Team (ART):
Bunny, Casanova,
Cheshiresmile, Colossith, Leski, Mohegan, Ricenoodle, Saebre,
ScatteredFL, Shivra, Siren, Sitara/Korra, Suspria, Takatia
Event Team:
AkaiKaze, Altair, Ariii, Bacardi, Collide, Crisis,
Grim, Heyl, Juke, Pulse
Forum Department:
Avani, Azriel, Casanova, Darknation, Decoy, Devaska,
Kiche, Leski, Orez, Rapture, Sessgo, ScatteredFL, Siren, Slver/Sola,
Takatia, Tear, Versailles, Wendigowolf
Resourceful links:
Artist TOS Forum - This section is for both
artist's and whomever is curious of an artist's TOS. As of April 15,
artists are required to post their TOS here so that others may
reference it.
Permissions Section - A place to post
permissions to artwork and poses sold or allowed others to use. One
topic per user, please!
Problem Ticket - Please submit a problem
ticket with this link, if you are having any technical issues, ban
questions, or other issues. These go directly to the administration
Species - Can you use it? If you've seen a
species that you'd like to use, commission, or just curious about,
here is a link to a collection of original species, their owners, and
allowed uses.
Suggestions - Have an idea on how to improve
your chat experience? Here's the place to suggest it. Please make
sure you search before you post. Someone may have already posted a
similar idea.
Wolfhome Markets - A place to buy, sell,
and trade!