Face Lift and Revamp
of Wolfhome is Progressing
Things definitely have been changing around Wolfhome over
the last few months. Any change can be unsettling, but hopefully you will
agree these changes have been for the better. Here are a few of the things
that have changed around the site.
As some of you have noticed, when you go to the Pose Uploader you are
now able to adjust the background behind your pose to see how it will
look when used. This feature is to help you to spot those devious loose
pixels on your pose. Lose pixels are those spots around the pose, the
background options should help you spot those pesky spots. (Spots? dots?
somethings? meh)

New layout and design! That's right. Many of the pages are being
redesigned as Wolfhomes basic design or "look" of the site
is being redone. There are still a few stray pages to be changed, but the
overall site is getting a major face lift! You have noticed that the
Wolfhome administrative team and the Wolfhome artists have been working on
making changes to the way Wolfhome looks. Earlier this year the main page
took a major face lift when Chenneoue's new layout was chosen for the new
layout design of the site. http://www.wolfhome.com
Other layouts and changes coming to the "Public Rooms" of
Wolfhome, Colossith/BulletGutz has been working on the makeover of the
"Icy Tundra" targeted to be uploaded and changed here in the
near future. The "Moonlight Cave" will be joining the rooms to be updated
and the artist contribution for this work is Sitara/Korra. This room will
be up loaded in the near future. Thank you Colossith and Sitara, we are
looking forward to your new room renditions. (Combined two paragraphs
and moved some stuff around, was kind of broken up before I think.)
Enjoy the changing faces of Wolfhome!
Wolfhome Event
Valentines Contest Winner!

By Radio
The winner of this year's Valentine Contest, presented by
the Wolfhome Event Committee, is Radio! Congratualtions! If you would like
to see the other entries for this contest, please visit
this forum thread.
Who - Administrative Changes
List of promotions
and retires since the last newsletter.
No new promotions
Moehgan - 4/14
Sandhya - 3/15
Rapture - 3/15
- 3/13
Juke - 2/28
NightSpiritWing - 1/6
Romeo - 3/1
Saebre - 2/26
Tear - 2/26
Wolfhome Administrative Team:
BulletGutz/Colossith, Cheshiresmile, Fancy/Fleur, Firekeeper, Razorback
(partner), RiceNoodle, Selendris, Underdog (chat owner)
Asrta, Azriel, Bunny, Casanova, Darknation, Devaska, Freewolf,
Leski, Mohegan, Rapture, RedFoxx, Sandhya/Sirocca, ScatteredFL, Siren,
Suspria, Takatia, Timberwolf, Vladimir, Versailles, Wendigowolf
Avani, BugFinder, Cyclops, Decoy, Ham/Binky, Juke, Kiche, Lock,
NightSpiritWing, Orez, Pixie, Romeo, Saebre, essgo, Shivra, Silence, Sitara
(Korra on forums), Sola/Slver, Tear
Assistants: Kina
Art Review Team (ART):
Bunny, Casanova,
Colossith, Leski, Ricenoodle, ScatteredFL, Shivra, Siren, Sitara/Korra,
Suspria, Takatia
Event Team:
AkaiKaze, Altair, Ariii, Bacardi, Collide, Crisis, Grim,
Heyl, Juke, Pulse
Forum Department:
Avani, Azriel, Casanova, Darknation, Devaska, Kiche, Leski,
Orez, Rapture, Sessgo, ScatteredFL, Siren, Slver/Sola, Takatia,
Resourceful links:
Artist TOS
Forum - This section is for both artist's and whomever
is curious of an artist's TOS. As of April 15, artists are required
to post their TOS here so that others may reference it.
Permissions Section - A place to post
permissions to artwork and poses sold or allowed others to use. One
topic per user, please!
Problem Ticket - Please submit a problem
ticket using this link, if you are having any technical issues, ban
questions, or other issues. These go directly to the administration
Species - Can you use it? If you've seen a
species that you'd like to use, commission, or just curious about, here
is a link to a collection of original species, their owners, and allowed
Suggestions - Have an idea on how to improve
your chat experience? Here's the place to suggest it. Please make sure
you search before you post. Someone may have already posted a similar
Wolfhome Markets - A place to buy, sell, and