Full House
the last few months, there have been complaints of issues with logging
in. Sometimes this could be a bug. But in this case, Wolfhome is growing!
Wolfhome has become a rather popular place and sometimes cannot house
everyone that wishes to get on. In order to help with lag and other
issues, there has been a cap placed ont he number of free users that
can log on. Currently, the number is set at 300.
does this mean? This means, if you do not pay for your account, and
there are already 300 members on, and you have a free account, you will
not be able to log on until the number drops below 300. If you are a
paying member, there is no need to worry, you will always be able to
access Wolfhome. If you are experiencing other issues with logging on,
please make sure you contact an admin, fill out a problem ticket, or
check the Chat and Forum Techincal
Support area for help.
Reporting Art Theft - A Reminder
remember that when reporting art theft, doing it publically via the
forum is not tolerated! It is the same as publically posting about how
a user harassed you, or said or did something you did not like.
have found in the past that "naming and shaming" has caused upset and
flaming (even amongst those not accused), especially when the accused
is in fact innocent. We aim to have a more welcoming attitude and thus
we discourage the "naming and shaming" policy.
also has the policy that users deserve privacy, even when breaking a
rule. It makes our job harder as admins if the user has been accused
outright, as they may remove the images or any evidence of stolen works.
While we do see the bonuses of it being pointed out in public, it can
cause even more issues if it is left unchecked in the public domain.
Due to the high volume of posts and threads made everyday some may be
missed, sadly we cannot always keep up with everything on the boards.
Contacting us directly will ensure that the art theft will be stopped
are many ways to report art theft, the quickest of which is to PM/send
an in chat message to a member of the ART or Forum Department. A list
of admins and their roles can be found
here. Other methods include
emailing the ART directly at wolfhomeart @ yahoo.com (no spaces),
contacting an ART or forum member in chat or filling out a problem ticket (there is link to this on the
home page).
Continue reading the rest of the
article at this link.
Who - Adminstrative Changes
List of promotions and retires
from last newsletter.
Selendris: 12/15
Fumetsu: 1/5
Suspria/Rhode: 1/6
Taku: 1/5
Vladimir: 2/13
Kina: 1/28
Retired: Silver, SkyWolf, Y0te
[thank you for your
help! --UD]
Wolfhome Administrative Team:
Alphas: BulletGutz, Fancy, Razorback
(partner), Redfoxx, Selendris, Sol, Underdog (chat owner)
Betas: Avani, Casanova, CheshireSmile,
Devaska, Fumetsu, GTWolf, Katanya, RiceNoodle, ScatteredFL,
Suspria/Rhode, Taishi, Taku, Timberwolf, Vladimir and
Gammas: Amable, Astra, Azreil, BugFinder,
Catspaw, Cyclops, Dip, Eluned, Firekeeper, Frolique, Kina,
Nightspiritwing, Orez, Scarlet, Sessgo, ShadowTigress, Shivra,
ShortCircuit, Silence, Sitara
Admin Assistants: LucanWolf
The Wolfhome Art Review Team (ART):
Astra, Casanova, CheshireSmile,
Devaska, GTWolf, Ricenoodle, ScatteredFL, Shivra, Wendigowolf
Resourceful links:
Contests, Area of the Forum
for people looking to join or make a contest.

Screenshot by
Critques and Redlines, section of the forum for people seeking help
or willing to help in the art making process.
"Locations" Great thread, if you are planning on a
howl or gathering.
Permissions Section" A place to post permissions to artwork and
poses sold or allowed others to use. One topic per user,
Suggestions" Have an idea on how to improve you chat experience.
Here's the place to suggest it. Please make sure you search before you
post. Someone may have already posted a similar idea.
Wolfhome Markets