From WolfHome and
all the other ChatLand Sites!

Screenshot by Kain
Christmas and Happy Holidays
Well everyone, Christmas is nearly here! A lot of you
are out of school for a couple weeks, and perhaps you are spending some
of that time on Wolfhome. This is a great time to show just how much
Christmas spirit you have! Plenty of it is already going around, what
with Leski's Christmas Pose Swap Thread, and all the gifts being given
around from friends to friends. Best of all are those that are giving
gifts to people who aren't friends. So with all this kindness going
around I'd like to ask you to continue this spirit of giving and friendship.
Help those less fortunate. If someone needs a pose colored...why not
give them a hand for free? Give a person that doesn't have a lot of
money to spend free permission for one of your poses. If you're really
generous, make someone's day by handing over a delta. Try doodling a
picture for someone you don't know, or make one for a friend and surprise
them with it! Make friends with someone new. And be especially welcoming
to the new members of Wolfhome by showing them what a great place this
is! Merry Christmas to everyone and keep up holiday cheer!
Serenity Chat Site News:
Serenity is a 2D
graphical chat site, and membership is available by invitation only.
When you request for an invitation to register an account, you
will be directed to the Waiting Room. You will need to supply your ate and
e-mail address.
You must be 18 years or older to be granted access to this chat. This
site is based on personal avatar characters similiar with what you have
become familiar with on WolfHome and the other ChatLand sites. There is
no role-playing in this site, the objective of the developers is to create
a calm, mature social chat enviroment, and a close knit community.
Serenity is currently off-line for reconstruction, but is expected to be
available again soon.
The Waiting Room:
Changes, Keeping Informed!
A reminder from the Art Review
This is very important. If
you are an artist making poses, you must keep your name changes up to
date so that poses uploaded from you can be properly identified. The same
goes for member. If you change your name, the artist needs to know so
that they can keep up with their approved name list for their pose permissions.
We now have the ability for you to add notes to the poses in the uploader.
These notes should include a valid link to the artist making the pose,
or at the very list the name of the artist, and an explination as to why
the you have permission to use the pose(s) you uploaded. Failure to supply
this information will lead to the pose being rejected, and possible ban
for art theft. The forum link below is one place you need to post name
changes to. This helps everyone in keeping track of name changes, and
the ART with pose approvals.
The WolfHome Art Review Team (ART):
Astra, Casanova, CheshireSmile, Devaska, GTWolf, Ricenoodle, ScatteredFL,
Shivra, Wendigowolf, Y0te
WolfHome Administrative Team:
BulletGutz, Fancy, Underdog (chat owner), Razorback (partner), Redfoxx,
Silver, Sol
Avani, CheshireSmile, Casanova, Devaska, GTWolf, Katanya, RiceNoodle,
ScatteredFL, Selendris, Skywolf, Taishi, Timberwolf, and Wendigowolf
Amable, Astra, Azreil, BugFinder, Catspaw, Cyclops, Dip, Eluned,
Firekeeper, Frolique, Fumetsu, Nightspiritwing, Orez, Scarlet, Sessgo,
ShadowTigress, Shivra, ShortCircuit, Silence, Sitara, Taku
Admin Assistants: LucanWolf, Y0te,